I thoroughly enjoy Fredericksburg's downtown all year, but especially during the holidays. Over the years, Caroline Street has seen changes.
Over the years, the trees lining Caroline, bereft of leaves, were adorned with white lights for the holiday season. You could stand at one end of Caroline, after sunset and see the entire length of the street beautifully lit.
Two years ago, the white lights came down and in their place, large white stars were placed in the trees. Caroline Street, while still quaint, just didn't have the same seasonal feel or appeal to it.
This year finds all of the white lights and stars gone. In their stead are period type lampposts; not just on Caroline, but William Street as well. They are adorned with green garland and white lights wrapped around the length of the posts and red bows at the top. They are nice but, to my eye, somehow lacking in aesthetic holiday appeal.
I will continue to wander downtown and patronize the shops and eateries. I just won't feel the same sense of holiday awe and wonder as in years past.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Thursday, November 10, 2011
As the movement has progressed, there are more and more stories of the Occupy Wall Street protesters attacking journalists, trashing businesses, harassing people and generally doing more harm than good for their cause.
The OWS movement has morphed into a protest I have little sympathy for. No one seems to have learned that you make a more powerful statement with peaceful resistance than with violence and anarchy. Ghandi knew this, as did civil rights activist Dr. Martin Luther King. You certainly don't earn the public's support or sympathy by creating problems for the residents and business owners in and around you. OWS protesters have one right guaranteed and one right only...the right to protest. Food, water, toilets; no where in the U.S. Constitution are those basic needs (desires) guaranteed.
At the same time, Police forces across the country are marching, fascist like on the orders of local leaders, through the protesters; more often than not, brutally attacking protesters, under the guises of "keeping the peace," "public safety" and "enforcing the law." All of which are, basically bullshit. These are excuses which officials use in their attempts to keep Americans subdued and in line.
I readily admit, I do not like, nor do I have any respect for 99.9% of law enforcement. They are nothing more than sanctioned heavily armed bullies and thugs who, for the most part, wholeheartedly believe they are above any and all accountability. Take for example the OccupyCal protest at UC Berkeley. Cops hiding their badge numbers in order to prevent identification for cracking the heads of protesters. I can now officially add the term "chickenshits" to my list of LEO descriptors.
The violence local law enforcement is heaping on its citizens is nothing short of assault and battery. Yet, because they are cops, they get away with their brutality. The beatings, the pepper spray, the tear gas. Citizens who dare to fight back are charged with Obstruction of Justice, Failure to Disperse or as they're commonly known..."Contempt of Cop."
Americans at some point will decide enough is enough and will fight back. The only question is when? When will 500 chickenshit riot cops come face to face with 500 like armed citizens, who have had their fill of law enforcements brutality and respond in kind? It may not be that far off.
The OWS movement has morphed into a protest I have little sympathy for. No one seems to have learned that you make a more powerful statement with peaceful resistance than with violence and anarchy. Ghandi knew this, as did civil rights activist Dr. Martin Luther King. You certainly don't earn the public's support or sympathy by creating problems for the residents and business owners in and around you. OWS protesters have one right guaranteed and one right only...the right to protest. Food, water, toilets; no where in the U.S. Constitution are those basic needs (desires) guaranteed.
At the same time, Police forces across the country are marching, fascist like on the orders of local leaders, through the protesters; more often than not, brutally attacking protesters, under the guises of "keeping the peace," "public safety" and "enforcing the law." All of which are, basically bullshit. These are excuses which officials use in their attempts to keep Americans subdued and in line.
I readily admit, I do not like, nor do I have any respect for 99.9% of law enforcement. They are nothing more than sanctioned heavily armed bullies and thugs who, for the most part, wholeheartedly believe they are above any and all accountability. Take for example the OccupyCal protest at UC Berkeley. Cops hiding their badge numbers in order to prevent identification for cracking the heads of protesters. I can now officially add the term "chickenshits" to my list of LEO descriptors.
The violence local law enforcement is heaping on its citizens is nothing short of assault and battery. Yet, because they are cops, they get away with their brutality. The beatings, the pepper spray, the tear gas. Citizens who dare to fight back are charged with Obstruction of Justice, Failure to Disperse or as they're commonly known..."Contempt of Cop."
Americans at some point will decide enough is enough and will fight back. The only question is when? When will 500 chickenshit riot cops come face to face with 500 like armed citizens, who have had their fill of law enforcements brutality and respond in kind? It may not be that far off.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
The rural Virginia County of Louisa, suffered more than $80 million dollars in damage from the August 23rd, 2011 earthquake. However, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has determined this rare East Coast disaster somehow doesn't qualify the county for assistance.
So Louisa is left to their own devices to come up with ways to raise the needed funds. One idea? A Cut-A-Thon of $10 haircuts. Kicker...a paltry eight million heads would require trimming in order to acquire all of the necessary funds.
Shame on FEMA! Shame on the Federal government for not immediately stepping up to the plate to help its own citizens in Louisa and all the other areas affected by this incident.
The United States thinks nothing of giving away billions and billions of dollars in aid and assistance to Israel, Pakistan (two of our "so called" allies) and a plethora of other nations around the world for any myriad of reasons. Yet, here at home, schools are damaged beyond use, homes are destroyed, lives devastated and the government tells its people go pound sand.
The President and EVERY member of Congress should be ashamed of themselves. How ANY single politician can say they serve the people is beyond me. While State and Federal leaders from both parties in Virginia have stepped up to defend and justify aid for Louisa county, the fact that FEMA still does nothing, indicates they are not speaking or demanding loud enough.
As with Hurricane Katrina, FEMA has shown themselves to be both ineffective and an embarrassment. It is time for the political talking heads to raise a hue and cry, and put the needs of their own citizens above the desires of ungrateful third world nations.
So Louisa is left to their own devices to come up with ways to raise the needed funds. One idea? A Cut-A-Thon of $10 haircuts. Kicker...a paltry eight million heads would require trimming in order to acquire all of the necessary funds.
Shame on FEMA! Shame on the Federal government for not immediately stepping up to the plate to help its own citizens in Louisa and all the other areas affected by this incident.
The United States thinks nothing of giving away billions and billions of dollars in aid and assistance to Israel, Pakistan (two of our "so called" allies) and a plethora of other nations around the world for any myriad of reasons. Yet, here at home, schools are damaged beyond use, homes are destroyed, lives devastated and the government tells its people go pound sand.
The President and EVERY member of Congress should be ashamed of themselves. How ANY single politician can say they serve the people is beyond me. While State and Federal leaders from both parties in Virginia have stepped up to defend and justify aid for Louisa county, the fact that FEMA still does nothing, indicates they are not speaking or demanding loud enough.
As with Hurricane Katrina, FEMA has shown themselves to be both ineffective and an embarrassment. It is time for the political talking heads to raise a hue and cry, and put the needs of their own citizens above the desires of ungrateful third world nations.
Friday, October 14, 2011
HR 3011 the Transportation Security Administration Authorization Act of 2011, a bill introduced in late September by Rep Michael Rodgers (R-AL) contains an ominous passage buried within:
"Whoever, except with the written permission of the Assistant Secretary for Transportation Security (or the Director of the Federal Air Marshal Service for issues involving the Federal Air Marshal Service), knowingly uses the words ‘Transportation Security Administration’, ‘United States Transportation Security Administration’, ‘Federal Air Marshal Service’, ‘United States Federal Air Marshal Service’, ‘Federal Air Marshals’, the initials ‘T.S.A.’, ‘F.A.M.S.’, ‘F.A.M.’, or any colorable imitation of such words or initials, or the likeness of a Transportation Security Administration or Federal Air Marshal Service badge, logo, or insignia on any item of apparel, in connection with any advertisement, circular, book, pamphlet, software, or other publication, or with any play, motion picture, broadcast, telecast, or other production, in a matter that is reasonably calculated to convey the impression that the wearer of the item of apparel is acting pursuant to the legal authority of the Transportation Security Administration or Federal Air Marshal Service, or to convey the impression that such advertisement, circular, book, pamphlet, software, or other publication, or such play, motion picture, broadcast, telecast, or other production, is approved, endorsed, or authorized by the Transportation Security Administration or Federal Air Marshal Service."
In other words, if you happen to be wearing clothing that contains a logo with some type of parody or satire regarding the Department of Fondling, Groping and Federally Sanctioned Molestation (read TSA), you can be arrested for impersonation. Be it they, the Federal Air Marshall's Service or some similar federal thug type organization.
Now, how anyone who is mocking or making fun of these organizations by wearing a T-shirt or other form of clothing, can be confused with "conveying the impression that the wearer of the item of apparel is acting pursuant to the legal authority..." is beyond me. Personally, when I'm deriding or mocking an organization, I can be confused as many things, but being part of that group is NOT one of them.
Since September 11, 2001, the US Constitution has been under constant attack by the federal government. Americans First Amendment right to Free Speech is being eroded at an alarming rate, as evidenced by the above bill; as have Fourth Amendment rights to the protection of unlawful search and seizure, by DHS and TSA. All being done under the guise of keeping the homeland safe.
Bullshit. Most Americans sit idly back and sheepishly accept the abuses being heaped upon them with little or no complaint; accepting without question the GWOT and "We're keeping you safe" drivel that pours out of Washington. All the while, much like the frog, they are ignorant to the fact that the pot of water is slowly coming to a boil.
Bills such as HR 3011 must be rewritten or defeated. Americans must stand up and say ENOUGH! We must defend the rights guaranteed to us by the Founding Fathers. I fear, if there are not more citizens who do so, as time goes by, the end result may lead to open revolt. If it comes to that, sadly, we are too late.
"Whoever, except with the written permission of the Assistant Secretary for Transportation Security (or the Director of the Federal Air Marshal Service for issues involving the Federal Air Marshal Service), knowingly uses the words ‘Transportation Security Administration’, ‘United States Transportation Security Administration’, ‘Federal Air Marshal Service’, ‘United States Federal Air Marshal Service’, ‘Federal Air Marshals’, the initials ‘T.S.A.’, ‘F.A.M.S.’, ‘F.A.M.’, or any colorable imitation of such words or initials, or the likeness of a Transportation Security Administration or Federal Air Marshal Service badge, logo, or insignia on any item of apparel, in connection with any advertisement, circular, book, pamphlet, software, or other publication, or with any play, motion picture, broadcast, telecast, or other production, in a matter that is reasonably calculated to convey the impression that the wearer of the item of apparel is acting pursuant to the legal authority of the Transportation Security Administration or Federal Air Marshal Service, or to convey the impression that such advertisement, circular, book, pamphlet, software, or other publication, or such play, motion picture, broadcast, telecast, or other production, is approved, endorsed, or authorized by the Transportation Security Administration or Federal Air Marshal Service."
In other words, if you happen to be wearing clothing that contains a logo with some type of parody or satire regarding the Department of Fondling, Groping and Federally Sanctioned Molestation (read TSA), you can be arrested for impersonation. Be it they, the Federal Air Marshall's Service or some similar federal thug type organization.
Now, how anyone who is mocking or making fun of these organizations by wearing a T-shirt or other form of clothing, can be confused with "conveying the impression that the wearer of the item of apparel is acting pursuant to the legal authority..." is beyond me. Personally, when I'm deriding or mocking an organization, I can be confused as many things, but being part of that group is NOT one of them.
Since September 11, 2001, the US Constitution has been under constant attack by the federal government. Americans First Amendment right to Free Speech is being eroded at an alarming rate, as evidenced by the above bill; as have Fourth Amendment rights to the protection of unlawful search and seizure, by DHS and TSA. All being done under the guise of keeping the homeland safe.
Bullshit. Most Americans sit idly back and sheepishly accept the abuses being heaped upon them with little or no complaint; accepting without question the GWOT and "We're keeping you safe" drivel that pours out of Washington. All the while, much like the frog, they are ignorant to the fact that the pot of water is slowly coming to a boil.
Bills such as HR 3011 must be rewritten or defeated. Americans must stand up and say ENOUGH! We must defend the rights guaranteed to us by the Founding Fathers. I fear, if there are not more citizens who do so, as time goes by, the end result may lead to open revolt. If it comes to that, sadly, we are too late.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Occupy Wall Street

Over the course of the last few weeks, there have been Americans exercising their right to protest in New York and other cities around the country. People who have risen up to voice their opposition to the corporate greed that infects this nation and has destroyed millions of families, their lives and livelihoods.
The response by the GOP is, in my opinion, appalling. Somehow though, I'm not surprised. They are after all, Republicans.
Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, Eric Cantor, et al are "increasingly concerned about the 'growing mobs' represented at the protests," accuse the protesters of engaging in "class warfare," even going so far as to claim that they are "pitting Americans against Americans." My favorite, from that esteemed GOP Presidential candidate Herman Cain: "Don't blame Wall Street, don't blame the big banks..." Perish the thought Herman. After all, they're not the ones who reaped billions of dollars over the last decade at the cost of everyday Americans.
This coming from the God's Own Party. That staunch group of hypocritical, chest thumping citizens, who piously wrap themselves in the flag and scream at the top of their lungs that we must return to the roots of our Founding Fathers. All the while, ignoring one of the basic tenants of that esteemed group of men, who put their lives, families and livelihoods on the line; the right to discard the shackles of tyranny and PROTEST. One simply cannot ignore the irony.
Thomas Jefferson said it best "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
Has the time arrived? The Occupy Wall Street protests prove there are thousands of patriots and there's no question that there are plenty of tyrants to go around. Personally, I believe the tree is in dire need of refreshing. I would prefer to avoid bloodshed and see it refreshed through our democratic process. With the rampant corruption of our political system and the state of affairs in America today; with the inequities that exist and the repugnant lack of any semblance of a social conscience on the part of the GOP; that may no longer be possible.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
This in from Ocala, Florida.
It would appear that a man dressed in an over-sized Ice Cream Cone costume, was mistaken by a number of really stupid Americans, for a member of the KKK.
Now mind you, the costume looks nothing like a KKK robe. It looks like, well, an over-sized Ice Cream Cone. Waffle type of course. Brown on the bottom, white fluffy top with an open area for the face and multi-colored sprinkles. Anyone with half a brain knows that the KKK, being the cowards that they are, NEVER show their faces. OF course the burning question is...when was the last time you saw a KKK member, waving to people and holding a sign that says "Ice Cream?"
One employee from a nearby bank "was so frightened by the white dollop patrolling the street corner that she called her husband crying and refused to drive through the intersection." I can only hope this woman is never allowed to procreate. There are enough stupid people in the world already without this woman adding to the gene pool.
If this looks like a "menacing Klansman," I'd hate to see what a pissed off over-sized Ice Cream Cone looks like. Oh wait...
Friday, September 9, 2011
A federal judge recently ruled that Aaron Tobey could sue two TSA screeners who had him arrested after he disrobed prior to going through Security Theater at Richmond International Airport. Seems young Mr. Tobey had the audacity to exercise both his 1st Amendment Right to free speech and his 4th Amendment right, by scrawling on his chest, a portion of the latter, as a protest to the unlawful searches conducted by TSA.
While this is an initial small victory for the young man and Americans in general, I remain somewhat disturbed by comments made by the judge and the actions of the Richmond police who arrested Aaron at the behest of TSA.
US District Judge Henry Hudson called Tobey's behavior "bizzare and screeners were justified in calling the police." I'd like to ask Judge Hudson, when did non violent protest, to what one believes is unconstitutional, become bizzare behavior and require a police response?
The answer of course is, since September 11, 2001. In an effort to keep the masses at bay and under control, the Federal Government and the Courts have slowly and relentlessly been eroding our Constitutional rights, all under the guise of "national security."
The Richmond police thugs who responded to TSA's call for assistance, arrested Mr. Tobey, allegedly threatened him with a permanent police record and charged him with disorderly conduct; the catch all charge commonly referred to as Contempt of Cop, when one fails to kowtow to their abuse of power and position. Not surprisingly, these charges were later dropped.
Sadly, Judge Hudson has thrown out the majority of the law suit, specifically the 4th Amendment aspect. He has allowed the portion of the suit that accuses two TSA buffoons of violating Mr. Tobey’s free speech rights to move forward.
The Rutherford Institute is litigating on behalf of Mr. Tobey. I can only hope this is one of the first chinks in the armor of constitutional abuse the US Government wraps itself in and, if successful, the breech continues to widen until the civil rights of all Americans are fully restored.
While this is an initial small victory for the young man and Americans in general, I remain somewhat disturbed by comments made by the judge and the actions of the Richmond police who arrested Aaron at the behest of TSA.
US District Judge Henry Hudson called Tobey's behavior "bizzare and screeners were justified in calling the police." I'd like to ask Judge Hudson, when did non violent protest, to what one believes is unconstitutional, become bizzare behavior and require a police response?
The answer of course is, since September 11, 2001. In an effort to keep the masses at bay and under control, the Federal Government and the Courts have slowly and relentlessly been eroding our Constitutional rights, all under the guise of "national security."
The Richmond police thugs who responded to TSA's call for assistance, arrested Mr. Tobey, allegedly threatened him with a permanent police record and charged him with disorderly conduct; the catch all charge commonly referred to as Contempt of Cop, when one fails to kowtow to their abuse of power and position. Not surprisingly, these charges were later dropped.
Sadly, Judge Hudson has thrown out the majority of the law suit, specifically the 4th Amendment aspect. He has allowed the portion of the suit that accuses two TSA buffoons of violating Mr. Tobey’s free speech rights to move forward.
The Rutherford Institute is litigating on behalf of Mr. Tobey. I can only hope this is one of the first chinks in the armor of constitutional abuse the US Government wraps itself in and, if successful, the breech continues to widen until the civil rights of all Americans are fully restored.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
This speech to the Alabama League by John Avalon resonated with me. His accurate breakdown of the Blue State/Red State map is telling. His description of the political manipulation by the media (minutes 9:35-11:00 of video 1) is dead on.
I am proudly Independent and hold in extreme contempt, both the GOP and Democratic parties. I long for a third party; moderate, fiscal conservatives with a social conscience.
If, as John Avalon states, Independents are on the rise nationwide, then there may be hope yet to save the United States from the extreme wingnuts on both the left and right and return this country to the greatness it once was.
I am proudly Independent and hold in extreme contempt, both the GOP and Democratic parties. I long for a third party; moderate, fiscal conservatives with a social conscience.
If, as John Avalon states, Independents are on the rise nationwide, then there may be hope yet to save the United States from the extreme wingnuts on both the left and right and return this country to the greatness it once was.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
At 1:57, Tuesday afternoon, 23 August, a 5.9M earthquake rattled the East Coast of the United States.
At 1:59, millions of people learned, that despite billions of dollars spent since September 11, 2001, the mobile technical infrastructure of the United States remains woefully incapable of handling a massive natural or man-made disaster.
Mere moments after the quake, the majority of cell service ceased to exist on Verizon & AT&T. Outbound dialing resulted in "dead air." Text & SMS capability failed. Outgoing text messages had the dreaded RED X ENVELOPE, indicating the message went straight into the bit bucket.
On the positive side, landlines and internet service remained in place and operational, for the most part. All well and good. However, with the vast majority of the American population and US Government being mobile centric, the failure of the infrastructure is, in my opinion, disgraceful.
Companies will use the "Act of God" or "we never foresaw this happening" defense as an excuse for the failures. Sorry folks, that doesn't cut it, especially in light of post September 11. Everyone knows the most important times are those first few moments/hours after a disaster occurs. Frankly, that's when the infrastructure is needed most. Emergency Management, Fire & Rescue and millions of citizens, worried about families and friends, inundate the systems. While companies can not be expected to have the capability to absorb every call and/or SMS, the Virginia earthquake has clearly revealed just how ill prepared US disaster preparedness remains.
Will we ever learn? Hint: That's a rhetorical question.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Patagon Dive Center - Caneel Bay - St. John, USVI
My wife and I inadvertently started a tradition 5 years or so back when we took our oldest nephew down to the Caneel Bay resort on St. John in the USVI as a High School graduation present. Not only did he get to spend a week being spoiled in Paradise, he was also offered the opportunity to receive his Open Water diving certification. As avid scuba divers, we wanted to introduce him to the awe and wonder of the underwater world.
While we have numerous nieces & nephews, we don't offer the trip to all of the kids. They must be outgoing, adventurous, somewhat daring and have a lust for life. Charlotte and Brit fit the bill perfectly. Char would graduate this year, Brit in 2012. Since we don't do yearly trips to St. John, we decided to give Brit her present a year early. Plans were forged, reservations made, plane tickets purchased and away we went.
Arrangements were made with the Patagon Dive Center at the resort. The two girls would complete their classroom portions on line prior to travel and their practical and open water dives once on site. I had numerous email exchanges with Brian Kearney, the centers dive master. Brian was extremely helpful and the day we arrived, we hustled the girls up to the center meet him and get their schedules.
Over the next four days, Brit & Char did their practical drills, progressed smoothly and completed four open water dives in Caneel Bay proper, meeting rays, turtles, puffer fish, one very, very friendly and curious barracuda, as well as a plethora of other life on the reefs. Their last dive to Grass Key was at 52 feet amongst a nice group of major coral heads and formations.
Patagon is the third dive operation we've experienced while vacationing at Caneel Bay over the years. Chris Sawyer and Paradise Water Sports preceded them and I can say unequivocally, the Patagon operation is heads and shoulders above the others. Brian, Lance, Clay and Rob were not only experienced, they were patient with the girls, professional at all times and extremely courteous. Patagon has been in the USVI since 1992 and are located not only at Caneel Bay, but on St. Thomas and at the Westin Hotel on St. John. If you're looking for a first class dive operation, look no further.
As for Caneel Bay and the resort itself? Between diving, snorkeling, the phenomenal food and beverages every day, and time left over for laying on the beach, I think I can safely say the two girls lived their first seven days in Paradise to the fullest.
Friday, July 8, 2011
The 4th Amendment Suffers Another Blow
The 4th Amendment of the US Constitution, "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched and the persons or things to be seized" suffered another blow today when a Federal Court dismissed a Fourth Amendment lawsuit filed against the TSA for their screening policies.
Under the guise of "Defending the Homeland" TSA, commonly referred to (and rightly ridiculed) as the Department of Security Theater, goes to extreme lengths to grope, fondle, harass, intimidate and embarrass everyday Americans who merely want to get from Point A to Point B. Former fast food fry daddies, having reached the peaks of their sub mediocre careers have migrated by the thousands to TSA. These thugs, now armed with a modicum of power, shove their hands down pants, inside underwear, assault six year old children, ninety-five year old wheelchair bound elders, military (both active and veteran) personnel, and infants. No one is safe from the blatant rape of their 4th Amendment rights.
When will Americans say 'ENOUGH!" and begin to fight back? Texas has attempted to with a bill introduced, but eventually tabled, to make TSA's invasive searches a crime. Sadly, there are not enough of us raising the hue and cry. Some have tried and been charged with disorderly conduct by TSA's brethren in thuggery, local Law Enforcement.
Our Civil Rights are slowly being taken from us. Americans for the most part play the perfect role of Sheeple, having accepted the delusion they are being kept safe, allowing it all to happen, without protest. Benjamin Franklin said it best "They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."
They may eventually wake up, but I fear it will be to little, too late.
Welcome to the United Police States of America.
Friday, July 1, 2011
An Assortment Of TSA Stupdity
The latest offerings from the Department Of Security Theater
The Spread of TSA's Feckless Tentacles
The Sad Saga of TSA Screeners (Go Whine Someplace Else)
Not Your Boarding Pass? No big deal.
TSA effective? "Depends" on your point of view!
The Spread of TSA's Feckless Tentacles
The Sad Saga of TSA Screeners (Go Whine Someplace Else)
Not Your Boarding Pass? No big deal.
TSA effective? "Depends" on your point of view!
Law Enforcement & Photography
I'm a fan of Carlos Miller. Mr. Miller has the blog site PINAC (Photography Is Not A Crime). He has had a number of run ins with law enforcement thugs who have no clue as to what is legal and illegal when it comes to US Citizens photographing their actions. In both cases, he's beat the charges against him.
In my opinion, Law Enforcement as a whole, is not only crooked but believes they are above accountability. Why else would Local, State and Federal LE agencies across the country so vociferously and unanimously accost, detain, threaten ("If You Take My Picture Again, I'm Going To Fucking Break Your Face.”) and/or arrest everyday citizens for photographing them? It's the police state mentality and we as citizens must fight these affronts to our civil rights at every turn.
The latest example of taking the fight to the thugs is Mr. Jerome Vorus, who was detained by MPDC in July 2010 for photographing officers making a traffic stop in Georgetown. He is suing D.C. cops for unlawful detention.
This hasn't yet happened in Fredericksburg, but, as with most things in life, I believe it is only a matter of time.
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
On September 24th, 2011, Friends of The Rapphannock will host their 21st Annual RIVERFEST event at Farley Vale Farm in King George County.
The Banquet and Benefit Auction will be from 4-8 PM and feature all you can eat Blue Crabs and Bar-B-Que with all the fixings, beer and soft drinks.
There will be Live Music, Silent and Live Auctions with many fantastic items to bid on. Private tables and Sponsorships are available. Tickets/Sponsorships are sold ONLY in advance and start at $75 for Early Bird through September 14th.
All proceeds benefit the Friends of The Rapphannock.
So come on down, pick crabs, socialize and support our area treasure, the Rapphannock River.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Today the US Government successfully threatened into temporary submission the State of Texas. It would appear the Texas legislature was on the verge of introducing HR 1937, a bill that would make it illegal to violate a US Citizens Fourth Amendment right to unlawful search unless there was probable cause. In essence, making it a crime for The Department of Security Theater, TSA, to engage in their Group Groping under the guise of providing some type of security to the American flying public.
President Obama's legal thug, U.S. District Attorney for Western Texas John Murphy threatened Texas, stating "TSA would likely be required to cancel any flight or a series of flights for which it could not ensure the safety of the passengers and crew."
Really? I say the Federal Government is bluffing. How long do they really believe Americans would put up with not being allowed to fly to Texas before open revolt happens?
Ideally what I would like to see is all fifty states introduce and pass this type of legislation. Call the Governments bluff en mass; then sit back and watch them ground all air traffic in the country in the name of protecting the flying public.
Three words: WOULD. NOT. HAPPEN.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Tailgating? Not here you don't!
Recently, Nissan Pavilion, now the Jiffy Lube Center, in Bristow, Virginia announced that no longer will "tailgating" be allowed. No BBQ'ing, no drinking, no partying before an event.
This will, in all likelihood, mean that Jimmy Buffett's annual stop in the Northern Virginia area will end with this years concert. Leastways, I hope this is the end result. I can not think of anything less appealing than NOT being able to party the entire day away with thousands of fellow Parrotheads, prior to watching the concert. Gone will be the Tiki Bars, impromptu Ford, Dodge & Chevy beaches, inflatable palm trees and the din of margarita machines grinding tons of ice into their frozen concoctions.
I can't say I'm terribly upset. I am a passionate Parrothead, having followed JB since the 70's. Yea, I'm THAT old! I however, despise the location. It is a nightmare to get into and one must allot at a minimum, 2-3 hours to get out of the venue after any event. The infrastructure to support Nissan was never in place and over the years, hasn't been upgraded or improved.
Farewell Jiffy Lube. You've cut your own throats. Tailgating at most concerts is a tradition, even more so at Parrothead events. It is my fervent hope that you suffer financially from this decision.
Monday, May 16, 2011
Just Plain Wrong
Recently the Morganza Spillway in Louisiana, was opened to to help redirect flood waters from the Mississippi River away from Baton Rouge and New Orleans. In doing so, numerous smaller towns, home to thousands of people will be almost completely wiped off the map.
When asked by reporters if the US Government would compensate residents affected by this decision, Col Ed Fleming, New Orleans District Commander and spokesman, artfully dodged the question, citing public safety as the reason for opening the floodgates. It would have been nice had Col. Fleming actually had the courage to answer the question; leaving me to conclude that he is little more than a mindless mouthpiece for the organization he represents.
Yes, there are risks associated with living within the reach of the Mighty Mississippi. Folks downriver choose to do so, voluntarily. Never in their wildest dreams did they foresee this day coming. That said, these 25,000+ Americans had no say as to whether they or the larger cities should be sacrificed. That decision was made by their government. Because their government made the unilateral decision to bury their homes, memories, cities and livelihoods under 20+ feet of water, I am of the opinion the government should compensate them for any and all losses they incur.
Will this happen? Of course not. Sadly, they are considered expendable for the greater good. They will be left to pick up the pieces, rebuild as best they can and go on with their lives.
When asked by reporters if the US Government would compensate residents affected by this decision, Col Ed Fleming, New Orleans District Commander and spokesman, artfully dodged the question, citing public safety as the reason for opening the floodgates. It would have been nice had Col. Fleming actually had the courage to answer the question; leaving me to conclude that he is little more than a mindless mouthpiece for the organization he represents.
Yes, there are risks associated with living within the reach of the Mighty Mississippi. Folks downriver choose to do so, voluntarily. Never in their wildest dreams did they foresee this day coming. That said, these 25,000+ Americans had no say as to whether they or the larger cities should be sacrificed. That decision was made by their government. Because their government made the unilateral decision to bury their homes, memories, cities and livelihoods under 20+ feet of water, I am of the opinion the government should compensate them for any and all losses they incur.
Will this happen? Of course not. Sadly, they are considered expendable for the greater good. They will be left to pick up the pieces, rebuild as best they can and go on with their lives.
Monday, April 18, 2011
Opposition to TSA
Among my friends, family and acquaintances, my disdain and contempt for TSA is well known. An Agency formed in the aftermath of September 11th, they are without question, the biggest laughing stock within the Federal Government. Fifty thousand feckless, mephitic and picayune bullies whose most often repeated phrase, before they became unionized with collective bargaining rights was "You want fries with that?" Now they are nothing more than plaintive, lugubrious, paratrophic vulgarians abusing and lording over fellow Americans, the little power they have.
TSA within its parent organization, DHS; provides nothing more than superfluous window dressing, incredibly laughable bad security theater, and a specious legal venue for the continued erosion of American civil liberties; all the while under the guise of keeping the American flying public "safe." When one reads about a 6 year old child or an elderly American in a wheel chair being given full body pat downs, something is terribly amiss. That something is TSA.
Now, in opposition to all of the above, state legislators in Alaska, Hawaii, Michigan, Montana, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Texas and Washington have banded together to form the "United States for Travel Freedom" caucus in response to the ongoing and ever growing continued threat to civil liberties being abused by the TSA. It is my hope that the Commonwealth of Virginia and many more states and their lawmakers become part of this effort.
Don't think that TSA is abusing your civil rights? Think again. Simply vocalizing your disagreement with security procedures is enough to bring the wrath of TSA down upon you. That First Amendment, Freedom of Speech thing is such an inconvenience. So it appears is the Fourth Amendment, Unreasonable search and seizures as it applies to TSA's full body scanners.
Rep John Mica, the man from whose loins TSA sprang from, now refers to TSA as the "Little Bastard Child I Created."
In an example of TSA being out of control and believing they are above accountability, the head of the administration, John Pistole, blew off a House Transportation Committee hearing, saying "The Transportation Committee does not have oversight over the agency under the House's own rules." While that may be true, thumbing your nose at the Chairman of any Congressional committee just because you don't fall under their purview is audacious and ballsy!
Sadly, the majority of Americans simply sit back and allow their rights to be trampled on. They blindly accept their government knows what's best and believe in their heart of hearts they're being protected. We call them sheeples.
TSA within its parent organization, DHS; provides nothing more than superfluous window dressing, incredibly laughable bad security theater, and a specious legal venue for the continued erosion of American civil liberties; all the while under the guise of keeping the American flying public "safe." When one reads about a 6 year old child or an elderly American in a wheel chair being given full body pat downs, something is terribly amiss. That something is TSA.
Now, in opposition to all of the above, state legislators in Alaska, Hawaii, Michigan, Montana, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Texas and Washington have banded together to form the "United States for Travel Freedom" caucus in response to the ongoing and ever growing continued threat to civil liberties being abused by the TSA. It is my hope that the Commonwealth of Virginia and many more states and their lawmakers become part of this effort.
Don't think that TSA is abusing your civil rights? Think again. Simply vocalizing your disagreement with security procedures is enough to bring the wrath of TSA down upon you. That First Amendment, Freedom of Speech thing is such an inconvenience. So it appears is the Fourth Amendment, Unreasonable search and seizures as it applies to TSA's full body scanners.
Rep John Mica, the man from whose loins TSA sprang from, now refers to TSA as the "Little Bastard Child I Created."
In an example of TSA being out of control and believing they are above accountability, the head of the administration, John Pistole, blew off a House Transportation Committee hearing, saying "The Transportation Committee does not have oversight over the agency under the House's own rules." While that may be true, thumbing your nose at the Chairman of any Congressional committee just because you don't fall under their purview is audacious and ballsy!
Sadly, the majority of Americans simply sit back and allow their rights to be trampled on. They blindly accept their government knows what's best and believe in their heart of hearts they're being protected. We call them sheeples.
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Smoke Free Campus

Over the last four weeks, I've had the unfortunate opportunity to spend copious amounts of time at our local health establishment, Mary Washington Hospital/Medicorp. The organization touts the entire medical campus as "Smoke Free." Peppered throughout the grounds are a plethora of signs that clearly state "No smoking, violators will be subject to fines or prosecuted under VA law...blah blah blah."
Yet everywhere I look, there are both employees and visitors smoking up a storm, tossing butts into either readily available receptacles or more often, just on the ground.
While visiting Florida this past week, my wandering travels took me past Tampa General Hospital. They too tout themselves as a "smoke free medical campus." Someone should have told that too the 350lb female patient, adorned in a hospital gown and id bracelets who was sitting outside, up against the fence, wheezing like a freight train all the while inhaling her cancer stick. My medical tax dollars hard at work.
So where is the enforcement? I noted not a single instance in which either establishments hospital security or staff pointed out the signs or said anything to any of these pathetic tar and nicotine sucking twits.
Nary a word. It's clear that MWH and TGH's no smoking policies are nothing more than paper drills. With zero active enforcement, is it any wonder why it's ignored and smoking flaunted? Why bother to post signs? I expect it's so they can claim some type of high moral ground; beat their chests and proclaim they are working for the health of their communities in some way, shape or form.
They certainly aren't preventing smoking, helping the communities they serve or preventing the subsequent littering that accompanies it.
Monday, March 28, 2011
Desk Lamp - Made In America
I decided I want a desk lamp for my office. I have a small, narrow window which provides little natural light. Mostly, my illumination is courtesy of artificial, overhead, fluorescent lighting, which, even on a good day, is horrendous. A desk lamp might alleviate my misery.
While wandering around Target, I found a couple I liked and would fit the bill. Unfortunately, all are Made in China. Don't get me wrong, I own all sorts of items made from around the world. I try however, to steer away from the Made in China label.
As I stood in Target, a white rage overcame me. The seven other voices in my head and I all decided this would be where we make our stand. I, in concert with said voices, would rail against the world economic machine. Thumb my nose and show my backside. To hell with it! Filled with a new found purpose, I strode haughtily away from the aisles and aisles of cheap Chinese crap around me. I, proud, patriotic American that I am, decided that come hell or high water, I would own a Desk Lamp, Made in America! Filled with a new found purpose to support my fellow Americans, the search commenced.
I stopped; wallet pulsing. What about cost? Common sense told me this would entail more expense. Made in China....$16.99 to $49.99. I pondered and automatically figured paying two, possible two and one-half times the going rate for something equivalent from China would be acceptable. After all, I was supporting Americans, keeping them employed, putting food on their tables, helping to keep their children clothed. There was honor in purpose. My pride swelled! The cost would be worth it.
All too soon, I discovered rather rudely I was a tad off with my pricing.
After hours and hours of perusing, hitting dozens of websites and following links, the search pretty much failed. I was successful in locating numerous desk lamps with the "Made in the USA" moniker proudly proclaimed. As expected, they were more expensive. However, never did I expect that "more expensive" would equate to "outrageous!"
A few examples. American Made Lighting offers three USA manufactured table lamps, ranging from $392-$1062 dollars in price. LazLight offers a table lamp for a mere $254. Belacor states they have "many-made-in-usa-lamps." I beg to differ. Their website offers one, the Pine Creek Desk Lamp, butt ugly I might add, for $199. Kenroy Home, Jacksonville, Fl. Ahhhh...a good American Company, in America. Surely I would find an American Made desk lamp here. Uh...no. The very charming Customer Service Rep Jenee' sent me the following:
"Hi there none of our lamps are made in the USA. They are made in China. Thanks"
I did however stumble into Lamps Plus. They have a grand total of 961 table/desk lamps. Jackpot! Surely I will find what I was looking for here among this bounty of offerings??!! I eagerly fired up a live chat session with Rob, my soon to be, new found best friend.
Rob: Hi Scott, how can I help you today?
Me: Good day Rob, I would like to know how many of your desk lamps are Made in America and where I might find that information?
Rob: I'm sorry Scott, I don't know of any desk lamps that are manufactured in America. All of ours are "Made in China."
Me: Thank you for your time today Rob.
End Session.
So much for Rob being my new found, best friend
I found only one offering which fell somewhere in my perceived price range, that even remotely interests me; an Electrix Illumination 7250-BK Halogen Desk Lamp with Light Diffusing Dome Shade, 22 Reach, Matte Black for a mere $72 dollars.
My pride was no longer swelling, my stride, not so haughty and that "showing of my backside to the worldwide economic machine??" Well, I could hear universal laughter echoing in the background. My feeding and clothing fellow Americans children...probably not gonna happen.
After all of this, I'm left to wonder, is it any surprise that most Americans simply don't or can't buy "American" anymore? I wanted a simple gooseneck desk lamp. No Tiffany, no decorative pine cones, space age swinging arms, titanium alloy or 23rd century design. A simple desk lamp, reasonably priced, made in my home country of America that I don't need a bank loan for, in order to purchase. Quite frankly, they do not appear to exist.
China wins again.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
I recently took my truck to Purvis Ford for routine service. After picking up the vehicle and driving approximately a mile from the dealership, I took note that the power cord for my GPS was not connected to the power outlet. I normally store the GPS in the center console. Stopping at a traffic signal, I opened the center console and discovered that the GPS wasn't there. I pulled over, got out, scoured the truck and still no unit.
I immediately called the dealership, spoke with Mike Iden, my service coordinator and apprised him of the situation. He checked with the technician who'd serviced the vehicle and reported back that he had not seen a GPS. This in no way came as a surprise to me. It would however be reported to the manager. I tersely thanked him and hung up.
After returning home, I again checked the vehicle, under the seats, in all pockets and even the bin in the rear of the vehicle where I store jumper cables and other tools. Nothing. During this second search I also discovered approximately $3.00 missing from the change storage slots in the center console which I use to spray off the truck or pay the occasional toll.
It's bad enough that a low life employee at the dealership rips off my GPS. He/She reaches the level of being simply pathetic when they have to take loose change from the vehicle as well.
I've responded to this theft by firing off a complaint to the local BBB. To them, it's a police matter. I sent an email to Ford Corporate, simply to let them know what had occurred at one of their dealerships. I know they aren't responsible for who the dealership employs. However, they do know how I feel about one of their dealers.
I decided to also send a letter to the GM/Owner of Purvis and included a small gift. I removed the window mount for the GPS from the truck and included it as well. Heck, I don't need it anymore. Since I am unable to prove unequivocally which employee stole the GPS, as far as I'm concerned, everyone is suspect; from the owner/GM on down. I commented that the theft directly reflects the obvious lack of ethics, integrity and values of every employee at Purvis Ford. For want of a whopping $152, Purvis has lost the possibility of thousands of dollars in parts, service and future sales. In the grand scheme of things, taking my business elsewhere will have no real affect on their bottom line. However, by telling friends, family, coworkers and acquaintances, maybe they'll think twice of shopping there, and that will have some affect.
Some will say I was too trusting and foolish to leave the GPS in the truck in the first place. That may be true. Still, I would expect this type of thing from a no name mechanic or shop...not from a dealership.
It's been a week since the original call to the service coordinator. I did believe for the briefest of seconds that I'd hear back from the dealership. Then reality set in. I've heard nothing. No surprise there either. I doubt anything was conveyed.
My wife says not to expect any response from Purvis. I don't. It's about principle. I've registered my displeasure with the BBB, Ford Corporate and Purvis. That will suffice as I chalk this up to a lesson learned.
I immediately called the dealership, spoke with Mike Iden, my service coordinator and apprised him of the situation. He checked with the technician who'd serviced the vehicle and reported back that he had not seen a GPS. This in no way came as a surprise to me. It would however be reported to the manager. I tersely thanked him and hung up.
After returning home, I again checked the vehicle, under the seats, in all pockets and even the bin in the rear of the vehicle where I store jumper cables and other tools. Nothing. During this second search I also discovered approximately $3.00 missing from the change storage slots in the center console which I use to spray off the truck or pay the occasional toll.
It's bad enough that a low life employee at the dealership rips off my GPS. He/She reaches the level of being simply pathetic when they have to take loose change from the vehicle as well.
I've responded to this theft by firing off a complaint to the local BBB. To them, it's a police matter. I sent an email to Ford Corporate, simply to let them know what had occurred at one of their dealerships. I know they aren't responsible for who the dealership employs. However, they do know how I feel about one of their dealers.
I decided to also send a letter to the GM/Owner of Purvis and included a small gift. I removed the window mount for the GPS from the truck and included it as well. Heck, I don't need it anymore. Since I am unable to prove unequivocally which employee stole the GPS, as far as I'm concerned, everyone is suspect; from the owner/GM on down. I commented that the theft directly reflects the obvious lack of ethics, integrity and values of every employee at Purvis Ford. For want of a whopping $152, Purvis has lost the possibility of thousands of dollars in parts, service and future sales. In the grand scheme of things, taking my business elsewhere will have no real affect on their bottom line. However, by telling friends, family, coworkers and acquaintances, maybe they'll think twice of shopping there, and that will have some affect.
Some will say I was too trusting and foolish to leave the GPS in the truck in the first place. That may be true. Still, I would expect this type of thing from a no name mechanic or shop...not from a dealership.
It's been a week since the original call to the service coordinator. I did believe for the briefest of seconds that I'd hear back from the dealership. Then reality set in. I've heard nothing. No surprise there either. I doubt anything was conveyed.
My wife says not to expect any response from Purvis. I don't. It's about principle. I've registered my displeasure with the BBB, Ford Corporate and Purvis. That will suffice as I chalk this up to a lesson learned.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Residue Awareness
As a year round motorcycle rider and MSF certified Instructor, I like to think I'm more attuned to the environment than most. I don't ride in ice and snow and usually won't venture out into a raging downpour; however, all other riding days and weather are fair game.
As the cold weather beats a half speed retreat from the Fredericksburg area, motorcyclists are peeking their heads out and firing up their machines. Waiting to greet them is the residue of City and VDOT attempts to keep Old Man Winter at bay. I'm talking sand. Lots and lots of sand. Spread along the entire lengths of neighborhood streets, covering whole city intersections and leading into/out of parking lots and driveways.
Sand is one of a motorcyclists worst enemies, second only to oil or anti-freeze when it comes to cornering.
This is the time of year when motorcyclists need to contact their local Public Works Departments city council representative, mayor or supervisors and make them aware of the hazard sand poses to them as roadway users. Request they break out the sweeper machines, go through the town and make a concerted effort to rid the streets and roads as best they can, of the residue. If those efforts fail or are rebuffed, ratchet up your situational awareness and be prepared. A few good, hard Spring rains might wash some of it away, but not all. Stay alert.
Friday, February 4, 2011
When In Rome
My job affords me the opportunity to travel extensively around the world; and lately, it has taken me to South & Central America. Guatemala, Ecuador, Mexico.
When it comes to food, I've always been adventurous. No matter where I travel in the world, you will not find me eating at McDonalds, Chili's, TGI Fridays, KFC, etc. Rarely will I eat at the hotel. My search for good starts shortly after arrive in country and more often than not begins the taxi driver. Where do the locals eat? I get one of two reactions. It's either immense pleasure or an incredulous look of bewilderment. More often than not and fortunately for me, it's the former. By the time, I've been dropped off, I have a minimum of three recommendations.
My latest foray south of the border took me to Quito and Mexico City where I discovered two local haunts that were somewhat off the beaten path.
Quito offered us Rincon La Ronda. The atmosphere was old world; heavy stucco walls, red carpeting, high backed chairs made of old dark wood. Our meal started with empanada's and other local delights; followed by main courses consisting of grilled pork, suckling pig and beef tongue. Each main was accompanied by vegetables, some type of grilled potato patty and my all time personal favorite, fried plantains. An added bonus were the two groups of musicians that wandered the floor. A group of three older gentlemen, plucking guitars and a band of five men, dressed in more traditional garb playing flutes, drum and guitars, all crooning local ballads. Thoroughly enjoyable.
While stuck in horrendous traffic in Mexico City, I asked my driver for an eatery recommendation close to my hotel. Without missing a beat he said "Los Panchos" but with a glance in the mirror and a bit of trepidation in his voice. I pressed him. "Sir, it is not a very nice place." "Not nice in what way?" I asked. "Not safe for me to be there or not pretty to look at?" "It is a simple place sir. Not fancy." I chuckled. Sounded like my kind of place. I said "Do you eat there?" "Of course, it is some of the best authentic Mexican food in the city." SCORE!!!! "Well then, I accept your recommendation. Do you have an address?"
With the help of Google Maps, I found my route. A mere 15 minute walk from the hotel. I turned onto 9 Tolstoi and knew I was in the right place. A small hole in the wall looking joint with two local Policia standing out front, availing themselves of the food. Los Panchos has a walk up area where you can get an array of assorted tacos to go. Stand in front of the glass and watch your tacos created before your very eyes!
Inside are a few dozen tables. I am seated and peruse the menu. Before I ordered I knew I was in the right place. Really now, how can you go wrong in a restaurant that has twenty-four different tequila's on the menu??!!! With my extremely limited Spanish I order. A Negro Mondelo, tortilla soup and two pork campechanos. Along with my beer came bowls of salsa roja, salsa verde and pickled veggies (carrots, onion and sliced jalapenos). A condiment tray containing diced onion and cilantro was also dropped in front of me.
The tortilla soup was like no other I'd had before. A rich broth, chock full of slices of corn tortilla. A tray containing a crumbled farmers cheese, slice of avocado, pork rinds (go figure) and pieces of what I believe were dried ancho chili. Everything but the avocado went into the soup. With each spoonful my eyes rolled back into my head. In between bites, I slipped a slice of pickled vegetable onto my tongue.
The campechanos appeared. Sliced pork and pieces of pork rinds wrapped in soft corn tortillas. I opened them up. In went the two salsa's, cilantro and minced onion. I blinked. My plate was empty. How the hell did that happen so quickly, I wondered?
I sat back, sated. I was offered my choice of coffee beverages and chose a double espresso. The entire meal came to $170 pesos or $15 USD. Having paid the bill, I casually strolled the fifteen minutes back to the hotel, giving the food a chance to settle.
As I walked, I silently thanked my dad. My sense of gastronomical adventure comes from him. When we rode, we would take the road less traveled. Inevitably, that road would lead us to some small out the way place, far off the beaten path that held a hidden gem of an eatery. Mind boggling BBQ, fresh seafood, mouth watering biscuits or just plain old down home country cooking.
Travel and food. Both are adventures waiting to be explored. To be shy about the latter is to miss out on a good portion of life's pleasures. So, when in Rome...
When it comes to food, I've always been adventurous. No matter where I travel in the world, you will not find me eating at McDonalds, Chili's, TGI Fridays, KFC, etc. Rarely will I eat at the hotel. My search for good starts shortly after arrive in country and more often than not begins the taxi driver. Where do the locals eat? I get one of two reactions. It's either immense pleasure or an incredulous look of bewilderment. More often than not and fortunately for me, it's the former. By the time, I've been dropped off, I have a minimum of three recommendations.
My latest foray south of the border took me to Quito and Mexico City where I discovered two local haunts that were somewhat off the beaten path.
Quito offered us Rincon La Ronda. The atmosphere was old world; heavy stucco walls, red carpeting, high backed chairs made of old dark wood. Our meal started with empanada's and other local delights; followed by main courses consisting of grilled pork, suckling pig and beef tongue. Each main was accompanied by vegetables, some type of grilled potato patty and my all time personal favorite, fried plantains. An added bonus were the two groups of musicians that wandered the floor. A group of three older gentlemen, plucking guitars and a band of five men, dressed in more traditional garb playing flutes, drum and guitars, all crooning local ballads. Thoroughly enjoyable.
While stuck in horrendous traffic in Mexico City, I asked my driver for an eatery recommendation close to my hotel. Without missing a beat he said "Los Panchos" but with a glance in the mirror and a bit of trepidation in his voice. I pressed him. "Sir, it is not a very nice place." "Not nice in what way?" I asked. "Not safe for me to be there or not pretty to look at?" "It is a simple place sir. Not fancy." I chuckled. Sounded like my kind of place. I said "Do you eat there?" "Of course, it is some of the best authentic Mexican food in the city." SCORE!!!! "Well then, I accept your recommendation. Do you have an address?"
With the help of Google Maps, I found my route. A mere 15 minute walk from the hotel. I turned onto 9 Tolstoi and knew I was in the right place. A small hole in the wall looking joint with two local Policia standing out front, availing themselves of the food. Los Panchos has a walk up area where you can get an array of assorted tacos to go. Stand in front of the glass and watch your tacos created before your very eyes!
Inside are a few dozen tables. I am seated and peruse the menu. Before I ordered I knew I was in the right place. Really now, how can you go wrong in a restaurant that has twenty-four different tequila's on the menu??!!! With my extremely limited Spanish I order. A Negro Mondelo, tortilla soup and two pork campechanos. Along with my beer came bowls of salsa roja, salsa verde and pickled veggies (carrots, onion and sliced jalapenos). A condiment tray containing diced onion and cilantro was also dropped in front of me.
The tortilla soup was like no other I'd had before. A rich broth, chock full of slices of corn tortilla. A tray containing a crumbled farmers cheese, slice of avocado, pork rinds (go figure) and pieces of what I believe were dried ancho chili. Everything but the avocado went into the soup. With each spoonful my eyes rolled back into my head. In between bites, I slipped a slice of pickled vegetable onto my tongue.
The campechanos appeared. Sliced pork and pieces of pork rinds wrapped in soft corn tortillas. I opened them up. In went the two salsa's, cilantro and minced onion. I blinked. My plate was empty. How the hell did that happen so quickly, I wondered?
I sat back, sated. I was offered my choice of coffee beverages and chose a double espresso. The entire meal came to $170 pesos or $15 USD. Having paid the bill, I casually strolled the fifteen minutes back to the hotel, giving the food a chance to settle.
As I walked, I silently thanked my dad. My sense of gastronomical adventure comes from him. When we rode, we would take the road less traveled. Inevitably, that road would lead us to some small out the way place, far off the beaten path that held a hidden gem of an eatery. Mind boggling BBQ, fresh seafood, mouth watering biscuits or just plain old down home country cooking.
Travel and food. Both are adventures waiting to be explored. To be shy about the latter is to miss out on a good portion of life's pleasures. So, when in Rome...
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
The little joys in life
Years ago I stepped out the back of our house to find Osh the cat, looking skyward into the trees, mesmerized. I'd seen the look before as he keyed in on some bird, hoping beyond hope that it would land nearby and he could pounce. This was different though. He was rooted, tail twitching, gazing high into the tree. I stopped, looked up and saw, perched on a branch about 25 feet above, a red tailed hawk; head cocked to the side, looking down. Each of the these creatures was riveted upon the other. I let out a roar of laughter. Osh briefly looked at me with that "What the hell is so funny" gaze of his before returning to the hawk. I sat down next to him, as any responsible pet owner would do, to have a little "Come to Bill The Cat" chat with him.
"Osh...Buddy, THAT is not your standard sparrow/morning dove/cardinal your licking your chops and having kitty fantasies about. That is a Hawk and you don't want to mess with him." Here before me were these two natural adversaries eying each other up and down. Two pea sized brains rapidly assessing the situation and both coming to the same conclusion....LUNCH! I chuckled, told Osh to be careful and walked off.
My reason for sharing this vignette...There are a few things in this world that give me unbridled pleasure. One is being on my BMW. I love and live to ride. Another is Birds of Prey. I love seeing them. Eagles, Hawks, Owls, Falcons, the list goes on. Soaring gracefully above the water or gliding above an open field, looking for their next meal.
I travel an easy 26 miles to the office each day. Past open fields and farmlands. Without fail, during my ride to or from the office, I'm rewarded with a falcon or hawk, either perched on a wire surveying their domain, standing just off the shoulder of the road, some small creature clutched in its talons, or swooping across one of the fields in pursuit of a meal. Seeing these creatures stirs something deep inside of me. I want to haul down on the brakes of the big Adventure bike, stop and take pictures. I resist. My chances of one of these amazing birds sitting still for a dumb bipeds kodak moment are minimal and stopping on the side of the road is an invitation for some twit in a cage to target fixate and run me over.
So I continue on my way, each morning or afternoon ride made all the better by these amazing birds. I silently thank Mother Nature or The Supreme Being of Winged Creatures, for affording me the opportunity to see them and wondering if maybe, just maybe, I'd been a falconer for some royal entity in a previous lifetime.
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