Today the US Government successfully threatened into temporary submission the State of Texas. It would appear the Texas legislature was on the verge of introducing HR 1937, a bill that would make it illegal to violate a US Citizens Fourth Amendment right to unlawful search unless there was probable cause. In essence, making it a crime for The Department of Security Theater, TSA, to engage in their Group Groping under the guise of providing some type of security to the American flying public.
President Obama's legal thug, U.S. District Attorney for Western Texas John Murphy threatened Texas, stating "TSA would likely be required to cancel any flight or a series of flights for which it could not ensure the safety of the passengers and crew."
Really? I say the Federal Government is bluffing. How long do they really believe Americans would put up with not being allowed to fly to Texas before open revolt happens?
Ideally what I would like to see is all fifty states introduce and pass this type of legislation. Call the Governments bluff en mass; then sit back and watch them ground all air traffic in the country in the name of protecting the flying public.
Three words: WOULD. NOT. HAPPEN.
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