I'm a fan of Carlos Miller. Mr. Miller has the blog site PINAC (Photography Is Not A Crime). He has had a number of run ins with law enforcement thugs who have no clue as to what is legal and illegal when it comes to US Citizens photographing their actions. In both cases, he's beat the charges against him.
In my opinion, Law Enforcement as a whole, is not only crooked but believes they are above accountability. Why else would Local, State and Federal LE agencies across the country so vociferously and unanimously accost, detain, threaten ("If You Take My Picture Again, I'm Going To Fucking Break Your Face.”) and/or arrest everyday citizens for photographing them? It's the police state mentality and we as citizens must fight these affronts to our civil rights at every turn.
The latest example of taking the fight to the thugs is Mr. Jerome Vorus, who was detained by MPDC in July 2010 for photographing officers making a traffic stop in Georgetown. He is suing D.C. cops for unlawful detention.
This hasn't yet happened in Fredericksburg, but, as with most things in life, I believe it is only a matter of time.
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