I decided I want a desk lamp for my office. I have a small, narrow window which provides little natural light. Mostly, my illumination is courtesy of artificial, overhead, fluorescent lighting, which, even on a good day, is horrendous. A desk lamp might alleviate my misery.
While wandering around Target, I found a couple I liked and would fit the bill. Unfortunately, all are Made in China. Don't get me wrong, I own all sorts of items made from around the world. I try however, to steer away from the Made in China label.
As I stood in Target, a white rage overcame me. The seven other voices in my head and I all decided this would be where we make our stand. I, in concert with said voices, would rail against the world economic machine. Thumb my nose and show my backside. To hell with it! Filled with a new found purpose, I strode haughtily away from the aisles and aisles of cheap Chinese crap around me. I, proud, patriotic American that I am, decided that come hell or high water, I would own a Desk Lamp, Made in America! Filled with a new found purpose to support my fellow Americans, the search commenced.
I stopped; wallet pulsing. What about cost? Common sense told me this would entail more expense. Made in China....$16.99 to $49.99. I pondered and automatically figured paying two, possible two and one-half times the going rate for something equivalent from China would be acceptable. After all, I was supporting Americans, keeping them employed, putting food on their tables, helping to keep their children clothed. There was honor in purpose. My pride swelled! The cost would be worth it.
All too soon, I discovered rather rudely I was a tad off with my pricing.
After hours and hours of perusing, hitting dozens of websites and following links, the search pretty much failed. I was successful in locating numerous desk lamps with the "Made in the USA" moniker proudly proclaimed. As expected, they were more expensive. However, never did I expect that "more expensive" would equate to "outrageous!"
A few examples. American Made Lighting offers three USA manufactured table lamps, ranging from $392-$1062 dollars in price. LazLight offers a table lamp for a mere $254. Belacor states they have "many-made-in-usa-lamps." I beg to differ. Their website offers one, the Pine Creek Desk Lamp, butt ugly I might add, for $199. Kenroy Home, Jacksonville, Fl. Ahhhh...a good American Company, in America. Surely I would find an American Made desk lamp here. Uh...no. The very charming Customer Service Rep Jenee' sent me the following:
"Hi there none of our lamps are made in the USA. They are made in China. Thanks"
I did however stumble into Lamps Plus. They have a grand total of 961 table/desk lamps. Jackpot! Surely I will find what I was looking for here among this bounty of offerings??!! I eagerly fired up a live chat session with Rob, my soon to be, new found best friend.
Rob: Hi Scott, how can I help you today?
Me: Good day Rob, I would like to know how many of your desk lamps are Made in America and where I might find that information?
Rob: I'm sorry Scott, I don't know of any desk lamps that are manufactured in America. All of ours are "Made in China."
Me: Thank you for your time today Rob.
End Session.
So much for Rob being my new found, best friend
I found only one offering which fell somewhere in my perceived price range, that even remotely interests me; an Electrix Illumination 7250-BK Halogen Desk Lamp with Light Diffusing Dome Shade, 22 Reach, Matte Black for a mere $72 dollars.
My pride was no longer swelling, my stride, not so haughty and that "showing of my backside to the worldwide economic machine??" Well, I could hear universal laughter echoing in the background. My feeding and clothing fellow Americans children...probably not gonna happen.
After all of this, I'm left to wonder, is it any surprise that most Americans simply don't or can't buy "American" anymore? I wanted a simple gooseneck desk lamp. No Tiffany, no decorative pine cones, space age swinging arms, titanium alloy or 23rd century design. A simple desk lamp, reasonably priced, made in my home country of America that I don't need a bank loan for, in order to purchase. Quite frankly, they do not appear to exist.
China wins again.
This is a great product! I found some more information on this website: www.archiexpo.com/architecture-design-manufacturer/desk-lamp-199.html