President Obama has just proposed a major expansion of offshore oil and gas drilling. Sadly, the President either doesn't have a clue, or has succumbed to political pressure on how to make the United States truly energy independent.
Four words: It's Natural Gas, Stupid!
This country has practically unlimited, lifetime supplies of Natural Gas. Why then are America's efforts to achieve energy independence not concentrated on building the additional infrastructure to support this resource?
Five words: It's The Oil Companies, Stupid!
What is first required is an infrastructure to support a nation of CNG vehicles. Couple CNG with electric vehicles (the development of a 300+ mile, at highway speeds electric car remains in the distant future) and hybrids, and America could, in all likelihood, be on the brink of total energy independence in less than a generation.
In parallel, continue with the development of wind and solar energy and it is a slam dunk that this country would be energy independent across the board. Imagine if you will, the freedom to tell all of our Middle East "friends" to go pound sand (pun intended).
The belief that we, as a country, can drill our way to independence from foreign oil, is a fallacy that is wholeheartedly supported and pushed by the oil companies. The answer does not lie in a rapidly dwindling, finite resource. Sadly, far to many politicians buy into this belief for the short term gain of popularity and approval ratings.
Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell, who is just as clueless as the President, immediately released a statement in support of the decision, saying in part: "The President's decision to allow energy exploration off Virginia's coast will mean thousands of new jobs, hundreds of millions in new state revenue and tens of billions of dollars in economic impact for the Commonwealth. It will also help our nation take a further step towards energy independence."
Note to Gov. McDonnell - Expanding an infrastructure in support of natural gas would also mean thousands of new jobs and billions in new state revenue. However, unlike drilling for oil, it will not help America take "just a step" further towards energy independence, it would guarantee it.
The answer to long term energy independence is Natural Gas. Sadly, I do not see any politician stepping up to the plate to champion this cause. That would not only require Leadership, but the fortitude and courage to take on the oil companies, and frankly, when was the last time there was ANY politician with fortitude who we could really call a leader?
It has been two full generations since America first felt the noose of foreign oil dependency cinch tight around her neck. Sadly, we've learned nothing. Investment in America's energy independence will not be inexpensive, but to not invest, to not cut the bonds of dependency on foreign oil, will be priceless.
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