It would appear that the vast majority of the parents and their little snowflakes who attend the Itawamba Agricultural High School are bigots and homophobes. The Itawamba County School District decided to cancel the High School prom, rather than allow the attendance of lesbian student Constance McMillen and her date, after the ACLU sued on the students behalf Prom Canceled.
Or so it would seem.
No. There was a prom. Well, two of them actually. The families of the students decided to sponsor a private prom and the judge who heard the original case was left with the impression that Ms. McMillen would be invited. All was well. Problem is, when Constance tried to learn the particulars about the prom, she had trouble garnering any details. She was told there would be a prom at the local country club in Fulton and she, along with her date were invited to attend. What they didn't know was that it was a "fake" prom.
Yes, you read it right. A fake prom.
Unbeknownst to Constance, there was a well planned, well executed, highly coordinated end-run around the judges ruling contrived by the families of the schools students. While Constance and her date were at their prom the rest of her class partied at a secret location where the "real" prom had been organized.
When Constance arrived, it didn't take her long to figure out that something was amiss. There were a total of seven students at the fake prom. Two of whom had learning difficulties. Also in attendance at this swaray were the school's Principal and teachers, serving as chaperones; leading anyone with half a working brain cell, to conclude that these folks were complicit in the charade.
I am aghast at the lengths the "god-fearing, good, tolerant, understanding Christians" of Fulton went to, in order to pull this off. These pious, bigots and hypocrites have proven that no matter how hard Mississippi tries, they will never move out of the dark ages. One can not really be surprised. I posit the lives of the overwhelming majority of parents involved in this sham, peaked with their own High School prom. They now live, sadly and pathetically through their children, trying desperately (but futilely) to come up with some meaning and reason for their insignificant existence.
Through all of this, Constance McMillen has shown herself to be far more educated, tolerant and wise than any of her peers or their parents. McMillen said of the learning disabled students who attended the prom with her, "They had the time of their lives. "That's the one good thing that come out of this, [these kids] didn't have to worry about people making fun of them [at their prom]."
Run Constance! Run! As far away and as fast as you can from Itawamba county. Leave and never look back.
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