Southern California's Menifee Union School District has decided to ban Merriam-Webster's 10th ed dictionary from 4th & 5th grade classes because their precious little snowflakes can ultimately discover the shocking definition for "oral sex" - "oral stimulation of the genitals" within its pages. Oh the HORROR of it all!
I have a couple of problems with this.
1. It's a dictionary for crying out loud!
2. Banning books never/never accomplishes anything.
3. It's a dictionary for crying out loud!
4. I posit that the majority of the parents who raised this concern most likely don't have "parental controls" enabled on their home computers, so now their children can look up "oral sex" using a Google search, which will return approximately 29,600,000 results.
5. It's a dictionary for crying out loud!
It is my sincere hope the Rocky Mountains prevent this level of stupidity and censorship from migrating East.
Menifee USD
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