Well, it would appear that my hopes have been dashed. The puritanical ignorance of the left coast has indeed surmounted the mighty Rockies and migrated east, right here to our own neck of the woods.
Superintendent Bobbi Johnson of the Culpeper County Public Schools' has banned the unedited version of Anne Franks ''The Diary of a Young Girl: The Definitive Edition," because the 13 year old writes about her...wait for it...vagina. GASP!!! Anne Franks Diary Censored by Culpeper County Schools
How dare this girl, suffering from the innumerable atrocities raging around her that only war, racism and bigotry can bring, fearing for her life, have the sheer audacity to write about her body!
I often fear there will never be an end to the Political Correctness that has wrapped it poisonous tentacles around this country. With folks such as Superintendent Johnson and Betti Cadmus SoCal School district bans the dictionary carrying the banner of righteousness, all hope may be lost.
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