Sunday, January 31, 2010

The Neighborhood

One of the benefits of living where we do downtown, is the fact that we live in a honest to god neighborhood. We've helped raise each others children, we hold block parties, we come together at random to grill, chill and socialize. We look out for one another. We are intimately attuned to our environment so that when someone or something is out of place, it stands out like a sore thumb. We are a mix of homeowners and renters.

So, this morning, with the sun up and the road having been plowed only once after 10 inches of snow, we came together. A small army dug out all of the vehicles, cleared sidewalks and even drove one of our slightly limping neighbors to his job.

We do not live in some sterile subdivision surrounded by people/families we barely know or even more rarely, acknowledge. There are no HOA Nazis or yearly fees to pay. No one tells us we can't fly the American flag, what color we can paint our houses, how to decorate our front doors and we certainly don't need anyone's permission to put up a fence or dry our laundry on the line outside.

No, we are a neighborhood. A rare microcosm in today's society and there isn't a single one of us who would trade it for anything else in the world.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Stupidity Migrates East

Well, it would appear that my hopes have been dashed. The puritanical ignorance of the left coast has indeed surmounted the mighty Rockies and migrated east, right here to our own neck of the woods.

Superintendent Bobbi Johnson of the Culpeper County Public Schools' has banned the unedited version of Anne Franks ''The Diary of a Young Girl: The Definitive Edition," because the 13 year old writes about her...wait for it...vagina. GASP!!! Anne Franks Diary Censored by Culpeper County Schools

How dare this girl, suffering from the innumerable atrocities raging around her that only war, racism and bigotry can bring, fearing for her life, have the sheer audacity to write about her body!

I often fear there will never be an end to the Political Correctness that has wrapped it poisonous tentacles around this country. With folks such as Superintendent Johnson and Betti Cadmus SoCal School district bans the dictionary carrying the banner of righteousness, all hope may be lost.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Stupidity Runs Amok in SoCal

Southern California's Menifee Union School District has decided to ban Merriam-Webster's 10th ed dictionary from 4th & 5th grade classes because their precious little snowflakes can ultimately discover the shocking definition for "oral sex" - "oral stimulation of the genitals" within its pages. Oh the HORROR of it all!

I have a couple of problems with this.

1. It's a dictionary for crying out loud!
2. Banning books never/never accomplishes anything.
3. It's a dictionary for crying out loud!
4. I posit that the majority of the parents who raised this concern most likely don't have "parental controls" enabled on their home computers, so now their children can look up "oral sex" using a Google search, which will return approximately 29,600,000 results.
5. It's a dictionary for crying out loud!

It is my sincere hope the Rocky Mountains prevent this level of stupidity and censorship from migrating East.

Menifee USD

RCDV - Empty Bowl

This annual event raises money for the Rapphannock Council on Domestic Violence. Pay your $$, choose a bowl made by area potters, sit and eat your fill of over twenty-five soups, chili's and other goodies created by volunteers. Bread, drinks and desserts included. Music and entertainment also provided.

This Sunday 5-7:30PM, Elks Lodge, Rt 2 (going towards the Country Club). Tickets are still available at Liberty Town studios. Come on out and support an excellent cause!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

A Suspension Bridge in Fredericksburg

Growing up in Fredericksburg, I've always been exposed to Civil War history and the importance that the Battles of Fredericksburg The Wilderness, Spotsylvania and Chancellorsville played. While not a die hard Civil War buff, I do thoroughly enjoy biking all of the battlefields in the surrounding counties and stopping to read (and reread) the historical markers which provide me bits of knowledge and reference.

While reading "The Great Bridge," The Epic Story of The Building of The Brooklyn Bridge, I was awed to learn that during the Fredericksburg Campaign, a suspension bridge had been built across the Rappahannock River! It was constructed by Washington Robeling, son of John Robeling, architect of the Brooklyn Bridge.

Washington Robeling served as designer, engineer, architect, and foreman for the thousand foot long span which was constructed in two weeks. The bridge, unfortunately did not last long (about a month), having been ordered destroyed by General Burnside, during a retreat back across the river.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Dr. Grossett has moved!

I am extremely pleased to announce that my wife, Dr. Sandra Grossett, is no longer associated with Access Eye of Fredericksburg.

After seventeen years, Dr. G. decided it was time to move on to greener pastures and a more positive work environment. She has joined forces with Dr. Brad Church and Dr. Myron Wasiuta of Total Eye, in Culpeper Virginia.

Dr. Grossett's patients can contact her for an appointment or exam at 540-825-8220. You can visit their website at Total Eye.