Monday, January 21, 2013

"Polishing The Turd"

I can't help but be amused at the BP commercials which have suddenly reappeared.  Touting what the company has done since the Deepwater Horizon debacle, the commercials portray all sorts of happy leaders from the Gulf Coast States saying "Come On Down! It's all good here."

No matter what BP does, no matter how much money they spend, they are only Polishing The Turd. Nothing can change the fact that Deepwater was a disaster of spectacular proportions and from moment one, it was a spin game to lay blame everywhere but where it rightfully BP's feet.

I see the same type of spin, at times, in Fredericksburg.  A business will change its facade, throw up some paint, and/or put new signs in the windows in a failed attempt to polish their turd.  Not realizing or accepting the fact, the issue is not with how they look, it's how they treat their customers.  Horrible experiences force people to walk away.  Unprofessionalism, rudeness, uneducated and poorly trained staff and a lack of basic customer service cannot be overcome with paint and new furniture.

Frankly, these owners get what they deserve.  Until such time as they come to this realization, they will continue to lament their lot, blame others for their lost income and watch as their customers abandon them in search of a better experience.        

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