Friday, May 25, 2012

On A Roll

The State of Texas appears to be on a roll and not in a good way.  The Northside ISD will be introducing RFID chips into the id cards of students at two of its schools.  Not surprisingly, not only did the School Board unanimously approve this flagrant abuse of its students right to privacy, the soon to be new superintendent, Brian Woods, also defended the use of tracking; comparing the chips to security cameras. 

The chip readers on campuses and school buses can track a student but can't follow them once they leave the school campus.  Really?  The why are there RFID trackers on school buses?  Will they magically stop working once the bus departs the school?

Still, there's no need to worry as "Only authorized administrative officials will have access to the information."  Right, no school official would ever think of abusing their position and using this information in some unauthorized manner, would they?

Some parents say they understand the benefits but have reservations about privacy?  Que Ben Franklin..."Those willing to give up freedom for security, deserve neither."

And in other Texas news:  The Montgomery Sheriff's Office has its own drone.  Granted they crashed it into their BearCat SWAT vehicle (I would have loved to have seen that fiasco), but that hasn't deterred Chief Deputy Randy McDaniel, nor has the outcry from Civil Liberties organizations.  Despite violation of privacy issues, Deputy McDaniel is still planning on deploying the drone with rubber bullets and tear gas.

With DHS fully supporting the adoption of unmanned drones to police and other agencies, the Police State of America, previously known as the Sturmabteilung or Brownshirts, in the 1930's, has arrived.  DHS, POTUS and the Federal Government in general, have little to no concern for the citizens of America or any of their rights guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution.  My elected representatives, Rob Wittman and Mark Warner, having foresworn their oath's of office to "uphold and protect the Constitution of the United States," continue to vote for laws that restrict our freedoms and, in my opinion, are traitors to their country; while at the same time, abdicating any personal honor and integrity they may once have possessed.  A somewhat harsh assessment some will say, but one I wholeheartedly believe. 

I wait in rapt anticipation for these issues to come to Fredericksburg.  Will my fellow citizens blithely accept the slow creep of tyranny that invades the country today or will they stand together when the time comes and take back the freedoms which are being erased?

Sheeples or People...which will they be?

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