Pop Quiz. What's wrong with these pictures? Answer: You'll never see anything like this in the United States of America.
Yes, that is a very large mountain of rocks. Yes, that is an old cargo plane with ladders leading to the interior, windows removed and a slide on it. And yes...just in case you're wondering...those are children, lots of children, having one helluvalota fun!
Thanks to ambulance chasing lawyers, our heavily litigious society, the ever present and imposing Nanny State Federal government and the Boogey-Man sensationalistic media; today's American children will never know this type of fun. But let's not forget the parents either. They are just as guilty. When one of their precious, can do no wrong, snowflakes bumps their head, scrapes their knee or bruises an elbow, they scream bloody murder and demand financial compensation, accountability or the head of some playground designer, for the pain and suffering little Tommy or Tina has endured.
Sadly, America's youth knows only those sterile playgrounds where they are protected from acquiring even the most minor of injuries. No longer are they free to run and play childlike and uninhibited. No longer do parents say to their kids "Go outside and play" with the only caveat being "Be home for dinner."
Gone are the days when kids explored the woods, built tree forts, climbed trees, constructed makeshift ramps out of whatever was on hand to launch both themselves and their bicycles into the air with sometimes painful results. When was the last time you saw a child running through a park, sans shoes, simply to feel the grass between their toes? Only in the stories of their parents do kids hear about the carefree freedoms of childhood.
Like it was yesterday, I remember what we did as children. Given the stunts we pulled, the chances we took and the rough and tumble games we played (ACORN WARS!!!!), it's a wonder we're not a generation of brain dead zombies. BUT....we survived! We picked ourselves up, brushed ourselves off, sniffled a bit, wiped away the tears and did it all over again! I'm by no means a religious man, but I think there might be something to the old saying "God watches out for children and old people." Looking back on those days I can only feel an immense sadness for today's American youth.
Fortunately, in some parts of the world, kids can still be kids. Yes, they will fall; yes, they will accumulate scrapes, cuts and welts. However, through it all, their parents will be rewarded with never ending cries of laughter, screeches of unbridled joy and the occasional wail of pain which ensures Curad and Band-Aid remain in business.
To America's parents, I ask, have you so easily forgotten the "Kick The Can" episode of The Twilight Zone?
To America's children, I say, sadly, you don't know what you're missing!
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