Thursday, July 28, 2011
Patagon Dive Center - Caneel Bay - St. John, USVI
My wife and I inadvertently started a tradition 5 years or so back when we took our oldest nephew down to the Caneel Bay resort on St. John in the USVI as a High School graduation present. Not only did he get to spend a week being spoiled in Paradise, he was also offered the opportunity to receive his Open Water diving certification. As avid scuba divers, we wanted to introduce him to the awe and wonder of the underwater world.
While we have numerous nieces & nephews, we don't offer the trip to all of the kids. They must be outgoing, adventurous, somewhat daring and have a lust for life. Charlotte and Brit fit the bill perfectly. Char would graduate this year, Brit in 2012. Since we don't do yearly trips to St. John, we decided to give Brit her present a year early. Plans were forged, reservations made, plane tickets purchased and away we went.
Arrangements were made with the Patagon Dive Center at the resort. The two girls would complete their classroom portions on line prior to travel and their practical and open water dives once on site. I had numerous email exchanges with Brian Kearney, the centers dive master. Brian was extremely helpful and the day we arrived, we hustled the girls up to the center meet him and get their schedules.
Over the next four days, Brit & Char did their practical drills, progressed smoothly and completed four open water dives in Caneel Bay proper, meeting rays, turtles, puffer fish, one very, very friendly and curious barracuda, as well as a plethora of other life on the reefs. Their last dive to Grass Key was at 52 feet amongst a nice group of major coral heads and formations.
Patagon is the third dive operation we've experienced while vacationing at Caneel Bay over the years. Chris Sawyer and Paradise Water Sports preceded them and I can say unequivocally, the Patagon operation is heads and shoulders above the others. Brian, Lance, Clay and Rob were not only experienced, they were patient with the girls, professional at all times and extremely courteous. Patagon has been in the USVI since 1992 and are located not only at Caneel Bay, but on St. Thomas and at the Westin Hotel on St. John. If you're looking for a first class dive operation, look no further.
As for Caneel Bay and the resort itself? Between diving, snorkeling, the phenomenal food and beverages every day, and time left over for laying on the beach, I think I can safely say the two girls lived their first seven days in Paradise to the fullest.
Friday, July 8, 2011
The 4th Amendment Suffers Another Blow
The 4th Amendment of the US Constitution, "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched and the persons or things to be seized" suffered another blow today when a Federal Court dismissed a Fourth Amendment lawsuit filed against the TSA for their screening policies.
Under the guise of "Defending the Homeland" TSA, commonly referred to (and rightly ridiculed) as the Department of Security Theater, goes to extreme lengths to grope, fondle, harass, intimidate and embarrass everyday Americans who merely want to get from Point A to Point B. Former fast food fry daddies, having reached the peaks of their sub mediocre careers have migrated by the thousands to TSA. These thugs, now armed with a modicum of power, shove their hands down pants, inside underwear, assault six year old children, ninety-five year old wheelchair bound elders, military (both active and veteran) personnel, and infants. No one is safe from the blatant rape of their 4th Amendment rights.
When will Americans say 'ENOUGH!" and begin to fight back? Texas has attempted to with a bill introduced, but eventually tabled, to make TSA's invasive searches a crime. Sadly, there are not enough of us raising the hue and cry. Some have tried and been charged with disorderly conduct by TSA's brethren in thuggery, local Law Enforcement.
Our Civil Rights are slowly being taken from us. Americans for the most part play the perfect role of Sheeple, having accepted the delusion they are being kept safe, allowing it all to happen, without protest. Benjamin Franklin said it best "They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."
They may eventually wake up, but I fear it will be to little, too late.
Welcome to the United Police States of America.
Friday, July 1, 2011
An Assortment Of TSA Stupdity
The latest offerings from the Department Of Security Theater
The Spread of TSA's Feckless Tentacles
The Sad Saga of TSA Screeners (Go Whine Someplace Else)
Not Your Boarding Pass? No big deal.
TSA effective? "Depends" on your point of view!
The Spread of TSA's Feckless Tentacles
The Sad Saga of TSA Screeners (Go Whine Someplace Else)
Not Your Boarding Pass? No big deal.
TSA effective? "Depends" on your point of view!
Law Enforcement & Photography
I'm a fan of Carlos Miller. Mr. Miller has the blog site PINAC (Photography Is Not A Crime). He has had a number of run ins with law enforcement thugs who have no clue as to what is legal and illegal when it comes to US Citizens photographing their actions. In both cases, he's beat the charges against him.
In my opinion, Law Enforcement as a whole, is not only crooked but believes they are above accountability. Why else would Local, State and Federal LE agencies across the country so vociferously and unanimously accost, detain, threaten ("If You Take My Picture Again, I'm Going To Fucking Break Your Face.”) and/or arrest everyday citizens for photographing them? It's the police state mentality and we as citizens must fight these affronts to our civil rights at every turn.
The latest example of taking the fight to the thugs is Mr. Jerome Vorus, who was detained by MPDC in July 2010 for photographing officers making a traffic stop in Georgetown. He is suing D.C. cops for unlawful detention.
This hasn't yet happened in Fredericksburg, but, as with most things in life, I believe it is only a matter of time.
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