My favorite holiday (well not a holiday really) of the year. I love carving pumpkins. The stranger the better.
Three or so years ago, I came across Extreme Pumpkins. A strange, macabre and generally warped site devoted to carving pumpkins in an entirely new way. I was mesmerized. Here were the pumpkins that I dreamed of, but my imagination somehow couldn't bring to life.
In these intervening three years, I've carved many pumpkins I've found from the site. Kids and parents alike stopping by for tricks or treats comment on them all.
Here's to the folks at Extreme Pumpkins and all of their contributors; who submit their gourd creations for consideration in the yearly contest. Until such time that my own warped imagination can come up with a suitable masterpiece of its own, I'll continue to borrow your ideas and give credit where credit is due.
Carve on!
2010 Halloween Pumpkins
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