The card has been played.
Not surprisingly, by none other than Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf himself; the genius behind the Cordoba Initiative.
The initiative is a plan to build an Islamic Cultural Center and Mosque two blocks from the September 11, 2001 Ground Zero site. This has, not surprisingly, created a firestorm of protest here in the United States.
The Cordoba Initiative has a number of goals, one of which is the professed "Improvement of Muslim-West Relations." I prefer to call it like it is - "The Improvement of Muslim Domination Over The West." First, the initiative is designed to establish a monument, commemorating the victory over America on September 11th. Make no mistake, Muslims saw the attacks on the World Trade Center towers, their subsequent collapse and the death of thousands of Americans as just that, a victory over the Great Satan. I personally will never forget the worldwide images of Muslims cheering and dancing in the streets as the towers crumbled. That is the face of mainstream Islam. The argument that persons of all religious denominations, including those of the Islamic faith, died that day, means little to me. Fellow Muslims were merely collateral damage; having died for a twisted cause. One need only look at the sectarian violence that exists in Iraq and other countries where Islam is the dominate religion, to realize that Muslims have no regrets about killing one another.
Second, eating our own. The initiative has polarized Americans, turned us against one another, tearing at each others throats; and I can hear Islamic universal laughter as it echos around the globe. With the freedoms afforded us by the Constitution and Bill of Rights (abhorrent concepts in Islam), what better way to further their agenda than our own infighting. They don't have to lift a finger. We're doing it all for them.
Rauf claims that if he'd known the protests would happen, he wouldn't have proposed the project. In his next breath however, he now claims that if the Center is moved, it will endanger national security. How so? According to Rauf "That would embolden radicals of all faiths and create security risks for the United States and Americans abroad."
I'm going to throw down the BULLSHIT CARD and state unequivocally that Rauf and his followers knew all along there would be protests and this is exactly what they want; they are the perfect devils advocate. Masquerade the attack on the chosen location for the Cultural Center, as an attack on the basic tenet of "Freedom of Religion," sit back and enjoy. However, and unfortunately for Rauf, there are those of us who aren't so easily fooled. With more than one hundred mosques already in New York, we know this has nothing to do with the right to practice their religion.
I will also state that this has absolutely nothing to do with National Security or the safety of Americans abroad. Rauf's claim that "Terrorism will end only when the West acknowledges the harm it has done to Muslims," is laughably specious. Anyone with two active brain cells to rub together is fully cognizant that there is NOTHING Americans can do to reduce the risk to themselves abroad. It's a way of life in today's world and it matters not one iota whether you are an aid worker, volunteer, missionary, or military; Americans are in the cross hairs of Wahabbists world wide, who have have shown they have no compunction in killing us.
Rauf says his "life has been devoted to peacekeeping." This sham is perfectly acceptable to the Islamic faith. Known as Tikiyya, it allows Muslims to deceive non-Muslims, if it helps and promotes Islam and Rauf is a master. Who, but a master of deception, could get the U.S. Government to fund a two month "goodwill" tour throughout the Middle East?
Not all of us have fallen into this trap. We see Islam for what it really is; a violent, intolerant, control every aspect of your life religion, whose end goal is total domination and subjugation of every human being on the planet.
Some will label me an Islamophobe. Label away. Having lived and worked in various countries where Islam is the dominate religion for more than five years, I have seen it first hand. When an "infidel" inadvertently lets a copy of the Qur'an fall to the floor and "peaceful" Muslims become incensed and demand the sacrilegious act be avenged by putting him to death, there's reason for concern. When caricatures of Mohammad and books criticizing Islam result in fatwas calling on all "good Muslims" to kill or help kill the offending person, there's reason to be phobic, very phobic.
Like all religions, there is a place for Islam in this country. Unlike all other religions, only Islam requires constant vigilance in order to ensure the continued and unwavering protection and defense of the freedoms and liberties we so cherish and Islam would so quickly destroy.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
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