For those who don't know, the Battle of Fredericksburg was one of the more bloody conflicts of the American Civil War. From December 11-15, 1862, approximately 170,000 men engaged in a one sided conflict that decimated Union troops and for all intents and purposes halted the Northern campaign against the Confederate capital of Richmond.
Recently Muvico opened a new complex in Fredericksburg. One of the amenities is the Chatterbox lounge; whose theme is centered around the history Fredericksburg, which naturally includes the Civil War. An artist was hired to paint a mural on the outside of the complex. The mural which consists of both the Union and Confederate flags, coupled with an American Eagle and surrounded by ornate laurel, including whiskey barrels, was found to be "offensive" by employee Shawn Vena.
According to Mr. Vena, when he complained to a manager, he was told to "shut up and go back to work." Mr. Vena then promptly called on the trusty NAACP. Never ones to miss an opportunity to cry racism and attempt to rewrite history, a representative was quickly dispatched. Upon gazing upon the image and being interviewed by one of the local TV news outlets, said representative pronounced the mural offensive. To quote: "What would it be like if that was a Nazi flag up there for the Jews who live in this area? Would they permit that to happen? Absolutely not! So then why should we?" By "we" I'm presuming she means folks of African heritage, because this lady and her organization certainly doesn't represent me, although I am a person of color. Oh wait a minute, maybe I'm mistaken and white isn't a color.
I have serious doubts the NAACP bothered to talk to Kris Knox, co-manager of the Chatterbox. However, the TV news team did. Mr. Knox clearly and cogently explained the reason for the choice of the mural, which was to "Represent the ultimate union between North and South" after the war.
None of that appears to have mattered one iota to Mr. Vena, the NAACP representative or the black couple who returned their prepaid tickets because the woman was offended and didn't see where the mural "represented her." Let's see, two flags joined together, representing unity after a bitter Civil War, which was fought to make this lady's ancestors free and she feels it somehow doesn't represent her? Were it not for the ignorant, the world would be a very boring place.
Sadly, Muvico has bowed to the revisionists whose only reason for existing is to spend their lives attempting to wipe away any history that doesn't fit into their neat little world. The mural will, sadly, be replaced with the flag of Virginia which, per Mr. Knox, "still kinds of tells the story a little bit." Sigh!
The Civil War was the most wrenching episode in our nations, to date, short lived history. America, as a nation, walked right up to the precipice of annihilation and came terrifyingly close to stepping off into the abyss. Brother against brother, neighbor against neighbor, it was bloody, it was ugly and the ultimate outcome changed this country for the better by abolishing slavery. What no one can deny, despite their best efforts, is that the Civil War happened.
Had Mr. Vena or the NAACP taken the slightest initiative to remove their blinders, do a little something called research and insert a bit of common sense and logic before succumbing to the automatic knee jerk reaction to use the broad brush of condemnation to anything associated with the Confederate flag; this whole stink could very well have been easily avoided. Instead, they each chose to play the part of the righteous, pious victim, which automatically negated any credibility they may have possessed.
Alright, maybe using common sense and logic is a little to much to ask of them.
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