Thursday, March 14, 2013


Recently, the bane of my existence, TSA, has relaxed its policy regarding certain items being allowed on board, specifically, small pocket knives.

The outcry from the Airline Flight Attendants Association, Airline Pilot's Association and the US Marshall's is specious and asinine, at best.


On September 11, 2001, the passengers of United Flight 93, unequivocally decided, never again will an aircraft be hijacked and used as a terrorist weapon.  Since that fateful day, we've had the Shoe Bomber, the Underwear Bomber and dozens of other disturbances while aircraft were in flight.  In each and every case, passengers have stood up, taken action and decided the issue.

With all the caterwauling  from the sheeples of the world, one would think safety in the skies, post September 11, is coming to an end.  How terribly pathetic.  There are many threats facing air travel today; pocket knives aren't one of them.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

That Annoying Document Called The US Constitution

Can the President of the United States kill a US Citizen without a trial?  Well, Obama has already done so with Anwar al-Aulaqi.  Would Obama do so on US soil?  Absolutely.  So says Attorney General Eric Holder.

The US Constitution clearly states in numerous amendments that he may not.  Does it bother this President that he's violated is oath of office and blatantly rapes the document that guarantees citizen rights?  Not in the least.  To him, it is nothing more than a collection of papers which create annoying obstacles to his control.

Fifty-two men signed the Declaration of Independence knowing the consequences they might suffer.  Americans today must stand up to the tyranny that has been fomented upon them since September 2001.  I would hope, peacefully.  If that fails, then by any other means available to them.

Will they?  Most likely not.  Americans, for the most part, are sheeples who believe their government is there to help and protect them.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  Most lack the personal fortitude and conviction to lay down their lives for their freedoms.  America has fallen so far from its roots, I wonder if my daughter or her children will live in anything other than a full blown Police State.

It is said "If one does no learn from history, they are bound to repeat its mistakes."  America is driving full speed down that road, ignorant to the past.  I fear for her future.  

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

TSA - New Uniforms

As readers (I do have readers don't I?) of this blog are well aware, I despise TSA with every fiber of my being.  So, it should come as no surprise that just before the sequestration, TSA slid in a $50M contract to purchase new uniforms for the thugs, pedophiles, bullies and thieves who happily violate the US Constitution on a daily basis.

DHS Secretary Napolitiano is quoted as saying less than 24 hours after the sequestration kicked in, there were already longer wait times at airports.  Geeze, I wonder if that $50M could have been put to better use?

However, I was able to come across not only a very good rendition of the new TSA Uniforms, and their new badges as well.  Expect to see them rolled out at an airport near you, soon.

 Each TSA thug will also be issued a key ring, as a token of their devotion to the abuse of their fellow Americans.