Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Today the US Government successfully threatened into temporary submission the State of Texas. It would appear the Texas legislature was on the verge of introducing HR 1937, a bill that would make it illegal to violate a US Citizens Fourth Amendment right to unlawful search unless there was probable cause. In essence, making it a crime for The Department of Security Theater, TSA, to engage in their Group Groping under the guise of providing some type of security to the American flying public.

President Obama's legal thug, U.S. District Attorney for Western Texas John Murphy threatened Texas, stating "TSA would likely be required to cancel any flight or a series of flights for which it could not ensure the safety of the passengers and crew."

Really? I say the Federal Government is bluffing. How long do they really believe Americans would put up with not being allowed to fly to Texas before open revolt happens?

Ideally what I would like to see is all fifty states introduce and pass this type of legislation. Call the Governments bluff en mass; then sit back and watch them ground all air traffic in the country in the name of protecting the flying public.

Three words: WOULD. NOT. HAPPEN.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

An Ordinary Man with Extraordinary Talents

Meet Mr. Cliff Stewart. Code Breaker. Super Spy. They don't make them like this anymore.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Tailgating? Not here you don't!

Recently, Nissan Pavilion, now the Jiffy Lube Center, in Bristow, Virginia announced that no longer will "tailgating" be allowed. No BBQ'ing, no drinking, no partying before an event.

This will, in all likelihood, mean that Jimmy Buffett's annual stop in the Northern Virginia area will end with this years concert. Leastways, I hope this is the end result. I can not think of anything less appealing than NOT being able to party the entire day away with thousands of fellow Parrotheads, prior to watching the concert. Gone will be the Tiki Bars, impromptu Ford, Dodge & Chevy beaches, inflatable palm trees and the din of margarita machines grinding tons of ice into their frozen concoctions.

I can't say I'm terribly upset. I am a passionate Parrothead, having followed JB since the 70's. Yea, I'm THAT old! I however, despise the location. It is a nightmare to get into and one must allot at a minimum, 2-3 hours to get out of the venue after any event. The infrastructure to support Nissan was never in place and over the years, hasn't been upgraded or improved.

Farewell Jiffy Lube. You've cut your own throats. Tailgating at most concerts is a tradition, even more so at Parrothead events. It is my fervent hope that you suffer financially from this decision.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Just Plain Wrong

Recently the Morganza Spillway in Louisiana, was opened to to help redirect flood waters from the Mississippi River away from Baton Rouge and New Orleans. In doing so, numerous smaller towns, home to thousands of people will be almost completely wiped off the map.

When asked by reporters if the US Government would compensate residents affected by this decision, Col Ed Fleming, New Orleans District Commander and spokesman, artfully dodged the question, citing public safety as the reason for opening the floodgates. It would have been nice had Col. Fleming actually had the courage to answer the question; leaving me to conclude that he is little more than a mindless mouthpiece for the organization he represents.

Yes, there are risks associated with living within the reach of the Mighty Mississippi. Folks downriver choose to do so, voluntarily. Never in their wildest dreams did they foresee this day coming. That said, these 25,000+ Americans had no say as to whether they or the larger cities should be sacrificed. That decision was made by their government. Because their government made the unilateral decision to bury their homes, memories, cities and livelihoods under 20+ feet of water, I am of the opinion the government should compensate them for any and all losses they incur.

Will this happen? Of course not. Sadly, they are considered expendable for the greater good. They will be left to pick up the pieces, rebuild as best they can and go on with their lives.