This in from Ocala, Florida.
It would appear that a man dressed in an over-sized Ice Cream Cone costume, was mistaken by a number of really stupid Americans, for a member of the KKK.
Now mind you, the costume looks nothing like a KKK robe. It looks like, well, an over-sized Ice Cream Cone. Waffle type of course. Brown on the bottom, white fluffy top with an open area for the face and multi-colored sprinkles. Anyone with half a brain knows that the KKK, being the cowards that they are, NEVER show their faces. OF course the burning question is...when was the last time you saw a KKK member, waving to people and holding a sign that says "Ice Cream?"
One employee from a nearby bank "was so frightened by the white dollop patrolling the street corner that she called her husband crying and refused to drive through the intersection." I can only hope this woman is never allowed to procreate. There are enough stupid people in the world already without this woman adding to the gene pool.
If this looks like a "menacing Klansman," I'd hate to see what a pissed off over-sized Ice Cream Cone looks like. Oh wait...